Mr. Yoshinori Komiya, Managing Executive Officer and General Manager, Advanced Information Management Division, IHI Corporation

Graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tokyo in 1984. He joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (now the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) in 1984, and in 2001 became Director of the Intellectual Property Policy Office, Economic and Industrial Policy Bureau, where he promoted the criminalization of trade secret infringement and the formulation of national intellectual property strategy; in 2004, he became Director of the Industrial Machinery Division, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, METI; in 2008, as Cabinet Counselor (Assistant Deputy Director General), Cabinet Secretariat, he promoted the revision of IT strategy based on the IT Basic Law. He promoted the revision of the IT strategy. in 2010, he served as Director of the General Policy Division, Director-General’s Secretariat of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy. in 2014, he served as Deputy Director-General for Space Affairs, Minister’s Secretariat of the Cabinet Office (later Director-General of the Secretariat for Space Development Strategy Promotion). he promoted space policy transformation, including the development of the new space basic plan and the drafting of the Space Two Law. in 2016, he became Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office. Retired in 2017 and joined IHI the same year; became Executive Officer, Deputy Head of Resources, Energy and Environment Business Domain in 2018; assumed current position in April 2020.

“I find the meetings where the executives of the companies have honest discussions very informative and educational. I originally worked at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, including as Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office, but in some ways it is difficult to make new horizontal connections with people in the private sector, so I feel that joining First Wednesday will be an asset for me.”