Mr. Shigeru Tachioka, Former Vice President and Representative Director, Hitachi Consulting Co., Ltd.

Joined Hitachi, Ltd. in 1965 and worked in the Information Technology & Telecommunications Division before joining Hitachi, Ltd. in 2003 as General Manager of the Strategy & Outsourcing Division. In 2006, he launched Hitachi Consulting, a consulting firm that provides consulting services ranging from management strategies for the Hitachi Group as a whole to specific consulting services for individual Group companies. He was responsible for the management strategy of the entire Hitachi Group as well as individual consulting services for the Group, and was instrumental in the reform of the Hitachi Group through the use of external expatriates.


A unique feature of “First Wednesday” is that a limited number of members are able to engage in an interactive, genuine dialogue with the speakers. I have received new inspiration and learned from many of the speakers. All of the members have been active in their respective fields, and I gained a lot of insight from their stories.