Mr. Masashi Kaneko, Chief Digital Officer, General Manager, Digital Transformation Department, Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation

1997- Engaged in project development of Sakhalin oil field, chemical plant, power plant, dinosaur museum, etc. at Mitsui & Co.
2002-2016: Consistently engaged in projects and setting up new teams at Novartis Japan Corporation IT department, including vendor integration, Notes migration, setting up architecture team, web development and operation team, etc. During the course of 3 years, he was engaged in global IT strategy and development IT architecture design at the headquarters in Switzerland. For the final two years, he moved to the Marketing Division to launch digital marketing. After serving as the General Manager of Miraca Holdings IT Division, he has been in his current position since 2021. He holds an MBA from Erasmus University of the Netherlands and a Bachelor of Science in Science and Engineering from Keio University.


I believe that First Wednesday is a wonderful meeting where we can have direct discussions with leading executives from various fields.
While discussing with the wonderful people I meet at First Wednesday, I would like to put into practice in the world the creation of a new world by fusing digital and human resources.