Mr. Hiroshi Omata, Founder/Representative, SURYA Consulting GROUP, Former Executive Vice President, SOMPO Holdings, Inc.

Joined Dentsu in April 1988. After working in domestic subsidiaries and sales divisions, he served as Vice President and President (COO, CEO) of Dentsu India from October 2009 to October 2013, leading turnaround management and post-merger integration. After returning to Japan, he worked in the digital marketing department before founding Dentsu Digital in 2016 as a management member. As Executive Officer and Co-Chief Customer Officer, he was engaged in the digital transformation (DX) of the Dentsu Group. in January 2018, he was appointed as Chief Digital Officer, Executive Officer, IBM Japan. In April 2021, he was appointed Group CDMO and Group CIO, Executive Vice President, SOMPO Holdings, Inc. From 2022 to current position, he holds an EMBA from the Swiss business school IMD (2002).


I feel that “creation” and “harmony” are leading through the discussion at “First Wednesday,” and I recognize that we are approaching a time in 2022 when “harmony” and “creation” are needed.