Prof. Kazuhiko Togo, Former Director-General, Treaty Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Former Director-General, Europe and Asia Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Former Ambassador to the Netherlands, Embassy of Japan. The Professor of Faculty of Law in Kyoto Sangyo University. Theme; The State Vision of Japan and the Future Diplomacy

The speaker of First Wednesday February 2016 session is Prof. Kazuhiko Togo, Former Director-General, Treaty Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Former Director-General, Europe and Asia Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Former Ambassador to the Netherlands, Embassy of Japan. The Professor of Faculty of Law in Kyoto Sangyo University. 


The Current World Affairs/ The Background on the growing power of China and Islamic State/ The Civilization and Security/ The Relationship between Japan and China/ Moving Forward to Engagement of study of All Citizens/ Military Comfort Women/ The Current Situation of the Northern Territories Problem