Mr. Hiroshi Omata, CDMO, CIO, SOMPO Holdings, Inc. Theme; The Challenge of SOMPO Holdings

The speaker of First Wednesday April 2021 session is Mr. Hiroshi Omata, CDMO, CIO, SOMPO Holdings, Inc.

What is Bimodal IT / What is Safe and Secure Bimodal IT / About the “Theme Park for the Security, Health, and Wellbeing of Customers” Social Value / What is Resilience / What we are doing about MaaS / Case Studies in Nursing Care / SOMPO Digital Lab for Innovation / Collaboration with Startups / In the Modern Age AI, Big Date, Customer Experience, and Design Thinking / The Process of Digital Transformation / Palantir’s Technical Capabilities / Data Regulation / Data Ownership and Utilization / Human Resource Development / Composition of the Digital Team, Health Theme Park About the “Theme Park” concept / What is resilience / MaaS initiatives / Case studies in nursing care / SOMPO Digital Lab for innovation / Collaboration with startups / Necessary skills for the modern age – AI, Big Date, Customer Experience, Design Thinking Design Thinking / The Process of Digital Transformation / Palantir’s Technical Capabilities / Data Regulation / Data Ownership and Utilization / Human Resource Development / Composition of the Digital Unit